Greatwedlock Farm,
Gumfreston, Pembrokeshire, SA70 8RB
Launch Date: 29/10/21
Proposed development at: Greatwedlock Farm, Gumfreston, Pembrokeshire, SA70 8RB
Pre-planning Consultation: Mr and Mrs Evans of Greatwedlock Farm, Gumfreston, have engaged Atriarc Planning to seek planning permission for a new and exciting mixed-use development project, to diversify and support the current deer farm activities occurring on site.
Proposal Description: Proposed Change of Use of former agricultural barns (reference barns 1 and 2) to a deer attraction park, educational and events Use, with car park to main farm yard. Proposed installation of Solar PV to Barn 1 and electric vehicle charging points. Retention of secure deer viewing area attached to Barn 1. Proposed Change of Use of former garage to large animal and marine veterinary practice. Proposed Change of Use of agricultural Barn (reference Barn 3) to Veterinary building (with ancillary use by deer farm when required). Proposed Change of Use of former agricultural Barn (reference Barn 4) to plant room. Creation of new access to B4318. Landscaping and infrastructure works to main site and creation of new mitigating planting areas.
Project and consultation outline: As part of the ambitious farm diversification plan, the project comprises of a series of Change of Uses’ of three existing redundant farm outbuildings to provide a deer attraction centre, education and events building, and plant room to support a solar EV installation. The proposal also includes seeks permission for the Change of Use of two other former agricultural buildings on site, to support a specialist marine and large animal veterinary practice. The works also include the provision of a new access road and landscaping enhancements on site to enhance biodiversity.
In recent months, technical documents and plans relating to the proposed scheme have been finalised in preparation for this formal pre-planning consultation. The requirements for a pre-planning consultation are laid out within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (PUBLICITY AND CONSULTATION BEFORE APPLYING FOR PLANNING PERMISSION NOTICE UNDER ARTICLES 2C AND 2D) (as amended).
As part of the planning application process, draft plans and technical reports have now been completed for the proposed scheme. Under articles 2C and 2D the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012, as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016 (“the 2016 Order”). The plans are now available for public inspection and comment, prior to applying for planning permission (for a minimum 28 day period). The site notices outline when and where plans and technical reports can be viewed, both in physical format and online. You may inspect copies of; sites notices (including Welsh translation of the site notices); the proposed application; plans; and, other supporting documents online at - Greatwedlock Planning Folder
Hard copies of the proposed plans are also available for inspection at,
Pembrokeshire County Council Planning Office, County Hall, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1TP (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).
Tenby Library, Greenhill Avenue Tenby Pembrokeshire SA70 7LB, from 10am – 5pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday or 10am – 12.30pm on Saturday. NB Computer facilities are also provided on site along with hard copies of the proposed plans.
We welcome input from local residents and businesses to fully engage the community in all aspects of the planning and development process. A consultation event will be held on the 08/11/21 from 2pm to 6 pm at Greatwedlock Farm, Gumfreston, Pembrokeshire, SA70 8RB, where copies of the plans will be available for review. Wayne Reynolds from Atriarc Planning and Mr Evans, will be in attendance to go through the proposals and answer any queries you may have. If visitors could park in the main farmyard, site notices will be provided to guide guests to Barn 2 (proposed events building) where the event will be held. NB We will be observing the applicable Covid-19 guidelines on site to ensure the welfare of visitors and staff.
If you are unable to attend and have any queries, anyone who wishes to make representations about the proposed development should write to Wayne Reynolds on or address correspondence to Atriarc Planning, Llwyntreharne, Llangynin, St. Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4LA. NB Consultation responses received after the 30/11/21 may not be considered as part of the formal planning submission.
Online Consultation Documents summary
You may inspect copies of; the proposed application; plans; and, other supporting documents online at Greatwedlock Planning Folder
Hard copies of the proposed plans are also available for inspection at,
Pembrokeshire County Council Planning Office, County Hall, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1TP (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).
Tenby Library, Greenhill Avenue Tenby Pembrokeshire SA70 7LB, from 10am – 5pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday or 10am – 12.30pm on Saturday. Computer facilities are also provided on site along with hard copies of the proposed plans.