Proposed development at: Lawrenny Home Farm, Lawrenny, Pembrokeshire
Mixed-use residential scheme - June 2018 consultation
Pre-planning Consultation Commencing/ Launch Date: 16th June 2018
Online Consultation Documents
An initial public consultation was held in July/ August 2016, followed by a further public consultation in April 2017, to allow local residents, community groups, the Local Planning Authority (LPA), Statutory Consultees and interested parties the opportunity to review the preliminary plans and input in to the proposed schemes. NB Former webpages and consultation items are now archived at, and
Following on from the April 2017 public consultation a number of variations have been proposed to amend the former scheme to include a greater provision for local affordable housing on site (following a review of development costs with the Local Planning Authority). The revised scheme proposes 39 residential units, consisting of a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units.
Following on from discussions with the National Park Planning Authority, Pembrokeshire Council Housing Officers and the local Housing Association; the revised scheme now includes 7 affordable housing units, 6 of which are proposed under an adjacent/ off-site provision (in the adjoining paddock area). The affordable housing proposed consists of four, one-bedroom units and three, two-bedroom units. Six units are proposed to be developed by the Local Housing Association with one unit built by the estate (that will then be offered at current affordable housing rental levels).
The site also includes 7 rural offices to encourage sustainable place making - creating a live-work community - along with a biomass storage and infrastructure building (located to the north-west of the site).
The proposed biomass system provides a unique sustainable heating facility for the proposed dwellings. The Biomass building is sited for practicality reasons whilst also balancing visual impact and servicing requirements. It is currently envisaged that the estate will seek to actively manage the forested lands under ownership, to provide timber to supply the system in the medium to long term.
As a unique village located within the National Park, design parameters are seen to be key to ensuring the new development can be successfully integrated with the village. The design ensures that the highways do not dominate the site and a village pedestrian environment (with a focal square) can allow the new dwellings to successfully engage with the existing community. Further upgrades are also proposed, for example, upgrading foul and drainage infrastructure, bringing fibre optic broadband to the village and replacing existing transformers.
In recent months, technical documents and plans relating to the revised mixed-use housing development have been finalised in preparation for this formal pre-planning consultation. The requirements for a pre-planning consultation are laid out within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (PUBLICITY AND CONSULTATION BEFORE APPLYING FOR PLANNING PERMISSION NOTICE UNDER ARTICLES 2C AND 2D).
In accordance with the above statute, the following information forms part of the formal site notices to be erected on site. NB For the full site notices, please see the site notices available for download via the below dropbox folder links.
Site Publicity and Consultation (before applying for planning permission notice): under articles 2C and 2D the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012, as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016 (“the 2016 Order”), on behalf of the Lort-Phillips estate/ Lawrenny Properties Ltd (to be served on owners and/ or occupiers of adjoining land and community consultees; and displayed by the site notice on or near the location of the proposed development).
Purpose of this notice/ consultation: this notice provides the opportunity to comment directly to the developer on a proposed development(s) prior to the submission of a planning application to the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Any subsequent planning application(s) will be published by the relevant LPA; any comments provided in response to this notice will not prejudice your ability to make representations to the LPA on any related planning application(s). You should note that any comments submitted may be placed on the public file.
Notice: I give notice that, the Lort-Phillips estate/ Lawrenny Properties Ltd, is intending to apply for planning permission to demolish the existing farm buildings to construct; 39 residential dwellings (including 7 affordable dwellings); 7 office units; a biomass district heating system and associated infrastructure upgrades, on the former farm site within the existing village.
A copy of all current plans is available to download via dropbox, via the following link,
June 2018 - Proposed mixed-use residential development plans
You may also inspect copies of; the proposed application(s); the plans; and other supporting documents at;
Tenby Library, Greenhill Avenue, Tenby, SA70 7LB (open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between the hours of 10am and 5pm or 10am to 12:30pm on Saturday). Computer facilities are available at Tenby Library. The library also holds a hard copy for viewing;
Lawrenny Village Shop, Lawrenny, Pembrokeshire (Monday to Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm and Monday 2pm – 4:30pm), and;
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park offices, Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, SA72 6DY (Monday – Friday 9am-4:30pm)
Plans can also be viewed on the 29th of June 2018 from 3pm to 6pm at Lawrenny Village shop. Wayne Reynolds from Atriarc Planning, will be in attendance to go through the proposals and answer any queries local residents or interested parties may have.
Plans will be made available for public inspection for a minimum period of 28 days. Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must write to the agent, Wayne Reynolds on or address correspondence to Atriarc Planning, Llwyntreharne, Llangynin, St. Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4LA.
Consultation responses received after the 16th July 2018 may not be considered as part of the formal planning submission. The developer does however reserve the right to extend this consultation period (if required).
If you would like to sign up to receive future consultation correspondence in relation to the Lawrenny Development Projects, please sign up to our mailer via Mailchimp. NB you can unsubscribe from this service at any time. Our privacy policy is also available to view via our Privacy Policy.
Signed: Wayne Reynolds
Consultation Advertisement (commencement) date: 16/06/18