Public Representations

Public Representations

"Your voice and concerns can add valuable information to support, limit or prevent a development coming forward. However sometimes you may need to secure professional advice to put a valid case forward, either as an individual or on a community basis. We are here to help"

The planning process is becoming increasingly complex and it is often difficult for members of the public to understand the intricate nature of national and local policy, planning law and statutory legislation. At Atriarc we are committed to ensuring that members of the public can engage fully with the development process which is why we offer tailored representation packages for individuals and local community groups on a cases by case basis, or on a longer term retainer.

Public Engagement

Public engagement forms an integral part of the planning process however it is often overlooked or undervalued by the development sector due to the perceived negativity arising from NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) attitudes.

At Atriarc we believe that understanding the needs of the local community can significantly enhance any development submission. Where objections are raised, early engagement can allow for a balanced approach to attempt to mitigate and manage any objection which can then inform any future design or planning strategy to help facilitate your development project.